
Friday 13 September 2013

Concentration Problem

What are Concentration Problems?

Concentration is one of the most powerful mental tools at our disposal - and yet, so few people actually know how to use it to its full potential.
 Concentration is the ability to focus attention on a task at hand, while blocking out other distracting or unrelated stimuli. This includes insignificant sounds, visual input, and most importantly, wandering or irrelevant thoughts.

When concentration is at optimal levels, we find our work is easier, more readily remembered, takes less time, and we tend to make fewer mistakes.

Generally, a good movie or a great novel is interesting, packed with visual and audio stimuli (which often drowns out surrounding sights and sounds), and requires little effort or skill to pay close attention.

Signs/symptoms to look for---

  • Short attention span.
  • Easily distracted by other people/noises.
  • Difficulty focusing and sustaining focus.
  • Shifting focus (moving attention from one thing to another).
  • Failing to give close attention to detail, making careless mistakes.
  • Appearing not to listen when spoken to directly.
  • Difficulty following instructions.
  • Failing to finish tasks (not because of fractious behaviour or failure to understand instructions).
  • Difficulty organising tasks.
  • Avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort.
  • Loses things necessary for tasks (files or books).
  • Forgetful in daily routine.
  • Inability to keep still in seat.
  • Leaves seat in situation in which remaining seated is expected.
  • Excessive talking.
  • Impulsive – acting before thinking.
  • Interrupting others.
  • Children have more difficulties with work completion, productivity, planning, remembering things needed for school, and meeting deadlines.
  • Children start beating about the bush just to avoid writing or reading, when parents teach these children.
  • If children are asked to finish their homework within a specified time, they just fail to meet the deadline.
  • On being asked to read aloud, these children just stop in the middle and parents need to keep reminding the children every time they stop.
  • Making disruptive noise, leaving their seats unexpectedly, speaking out of turn, disturbing classmates, and not completing classwork are typical 
Possible causes--

Lack of concentration is both a Psychological and behavioral problem
              normally the causes for lack of concentration among children include common grounds such as---

Lack of sleep
If your child is tired she won't be able to concentrate so put her to bed at a reasonable hour. Aim for her to get about nine hours' sleep a night.

Personal circumstances
Your child will find it easier to concentrate when she is not troubled or anxious about something such as falling out with friends, or is having difficulty getting along with her teacher.

Motivation and interest
She will be able to concentrate for longer if she's interested in what she's doing.

A weak immune system, dehydration and bad eating habits could all contribute to poor levels of concentration. Make sure that she takes a multivitamin and mineral supplement every day.

Surrounding conditions
A lot of activity, noise, or a television that is always on does not contribute to the calm atmosphere that is needed for high levels of concentration.

Distracted teens

If your teenager's mind is always elsewhere, this could be why:

Lack of sleep
Encourage teenagers to go to bed and to get up at roughly the same time every day.

Personal circumstances
Similar to younger children, being anxious or troubled about issues at home or at school, or with friends, could lead to low levels of concentration.

Lack of motivation
Getting them to be interested in the subject will make a huge difference to their levels of concentration.

Teacher trouble
When children do not like a teacher or have a problem with a particular teacher, they usually do not perform well.

Health problems
Concentration could be affected by regular illness due to a lack of medication for a chronic condition such as asthma, or because of a weak immune system and an unhealthy diet.

Lack of exercise

This could make children lethargic and tired, and they won't be able to concentrate, especially after lunch.

If any parents see near to all problem in his child then they must think to consult a child psychologist for the proper evaluation and management.

Come and improve your quality of life with us---
         Hello Psychologist Child Development Counseling Center Lucknow

Call For Appointment =   9415370790, 9369160546

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